
This website strives to be only about supporters, in other words, website on which you'll be able to find interesting things about supporters from this part of the World, but you'll also find history of Torcida and actual happenings in supporters scene around Europe. This website is for supporters, therefor is made by the supporters and we expect from you, if you are/were active supporter to contribute to our World news column. This website has no particual interest in detailed observation of Hajduk's performance because we think that the web presentations of that context are everywhere. You can tell us your ideas or send us your material which you consider to be useful for this website on webmaster@torcida.org. If you are interested in photos of Torcida from this website, you can contact us freely and we can give you contact information for the particular person that has the originals and negatives. 
Group that makes this website also collects all the materials related to Torcida, because this website is not our only concern, but the idea is to gather everyone interested in any kind of presentation of Torcida.
AVALON (web hosting) and SHIMODA (Web Design) are also responsible for succesful outcome of this website, which will everyday, we hope, bring something new to all of you, fans of Hajduk, and all the other fan groups. Finally, we would like to THANK to all Torcida members that have lent us
their articles, photos and all the other materials without which, this website would not make much sense...